Spyder did not work any more from Anaconda (02/18/2017). Here is the solution.

My spyder did not work any more from Anaconda. Here is the solution based on this post.

Open your Terminal and use the command below. (there is a file called .spyder or something like this. This file might be broken. So we can rename it first, then open spyder from Anaconda to generate a new .spyder file. If everything works, we can use rm –rf command in Terminal to remove the renamed file.)

–Terminal command

–list all the files including hidden ones, we need to find the file named .spyder or .spyder2 or something like that. (note: be careful about the space in the command)

ls –la

–then we can use mv to move rename .spyder into new.spyder

mv .spyder new.spyder

—then try to open spyder from Anaconda. If it works, use the following command to delete the file new.spyder

rm -rf new.spyder


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